viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2011


        It is worth to remember our sister, mother, nurse:" Mother Calcuta" She without estuding nursing estudi enderstood during her live how help that who sufer speciality illness persons. Peraps even she never  thought to be nurse but she ended up being the one of the  women who gave his life for the poors: The patients.
       It's wonderfull  recordize ouf  these sister who worked for very poor people abandoned, thirsty whit hungry.
 She supported the hungry, the thirst to give to drink and eat these people. She did estudy nothing. Only she loved.
      When someone love his actions be converted into loving actions. No matter what he get. High or low. The joy of  know that someone though the paece is more big than the money. To be nurs or doctor is endly a vocation as the vocation to be religious. To be health personnel must be more a vocation than work that to get money. It is a work that  we demand  a lot off sacrifice.

Moher Teresa of Calcuta sign our to love to be nurse to take care of persons who need our help.

Prayer to St. Therese

Mother Calcuta,
you who knew take care of all persons that  she met,
 teachs us to be goods health protectors
in this wold  who needs urgent persons full of God.
So we will can transmit joy, haelth, at sick peoples.

viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2011

is the solution yourself

All people have the oportunity to live 
happy or sad:

There are, economics problems, convivence  o health problem.
Nevertheless  human being have the ability to opt the congratulate o the pain.
Opt to the pain is go with a life felled for multiply dificult than have:

 Be outdone by the difficulties. Know that sometime is very last to surpass situasions. For example a doctor who are lost our work for a error in the hospital. Have a lot off dept that a person was leaving his apartment. Him  with her family does know  how  fing  home to rest. More, have a child very ill with temperature over 38 °. In some cases, God seems to no longer exist. But no. In the pain as in the congratulate  Jesus is hear and protect  all. Mainly  when we invoke him. God Know what  is good for his children. Our time it is important to have money to life, but the money doesn't do the joy. The power as this mister  could life if try to surpass problem. Recognize that nothing is later. Can be start again. Fight more than more. Also there human with available to receive these situations and to help the persons. People who can help with our good advice or shake hand.

More there people who can all but nover love them. We leaks them. Them are creatures who have peraps dificult to build a good  interpersonal relationship.The congratulate be in the capacity to try again, build peace instead of war.  Make friends and never enemies. It's each to do our congratulate.

There again being that for  your illness are not  delighted  a good health:  Must  pay treatment, physical limitations (sometime cann't do all that they want...). But also there muchs patients who can suffering that their face reflects joy and peace. It's our way to live happy despite everything.

On  the earth we must look for ways to live better and not being deterred by the problems. Especially when you trust in God  all things are possible.

viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2011


      In our generation the technology is doing a very great changes  all  dimensions:
In the health dimension the  robo uttility permit to do fast operations. For example the number operation that the doctor could be do in one hour, the robo in the same time can do more.Hospitals Can need lot of staff.The workings are faster and more eficace because the robo have the ability to visualize the fastest.
Before doctors could be specialized in the  medicine  to make the operation but in our time is obligate to estudy how to manipulate a robo in the end to realisy our labeur.
      It's sad because with tis practique existe the unemployment: More than more increasingly increases the number of people without work.Nurs and  doctors who forgot our work caused than the tecnology.
En the agricultur dimension were  much  farmers have lost their work.   
      It's very goog the technology and as bad.

viernes, 26 de agosto de 2011


I am sister ADELAIDE YAMEOGO. Iam come from Burkina faso. I live here in Colombia during four years. Iam  estuting in the Marian university.I need tace cure off ills persons because the life is the thirts need for people..